
To read the decimal number, read the digits after the decimal point. Read number part, read the decimal point as "and" and read the number starting the place of the last digit. If there are digits starting from 1 and up in whole from Example: 2.45, this can be read or write as two and forty-five the highest whole number follow by the decimal numbers. hundredths Zero is placed to any empty column between the decimal point and the digits. Example: 0.86 or .86 are both correct. Learning Task 1: Give the place value of the underlined digit. Write your answer on your notebook. 1) 0.45 2) 1.15 3) 3.06 4) 6.9 5) 0.08 6) 9.7 7) 8.02 8) 0.34 9) 0.25 10) 0.8 11) 0.19 12) 0.89 13) 0.75 14) 17.02 15) 25.06 TARA​