
What I can do
Activity 1
You have learned that stereotypes may be positives or negative. Draw happy smiley :) on a seperate sheet of paper if the statement is positive and draw a sad smiley face :( if it is negative.
1. Many say that Filipinos are hospitable.
2. Woman can't do as good of job as men.
3. People who cough and have fever are positive with COVID-19.
4. All librarians are woman who are old and who wear glasses.
5. Young kids are noisy.
6. All asians are good at solving mathematical problems.
7. Monks are good at kung fu and other material arts techniques.
8. Churchhoers are kind people.
9. Guys are messy and unclean.
10. All people from Basey, Samar are good mat weavers since Basey is the 'Banig' (Sleeping mat) Capital of the Philippines.