Read this essay and identify the stand/ reasons of the writer. Use your learned skill in annotating a text. Follow the steps given for you. Write your answers in your notebook.
Step 1. Identify the parts and write your comments of each on the sides of the article.
Step 2. Box in the main points/ claims that you can find.
Step 3. Underline the reasons/ evidences that support the claim
A Position Paper of Drug Testing of High Schooland College Students Drug testing is a way to evaluate the type and the possibly the amount of legal andespecially for illegal drugs substances taken by a person. Drug testing can be performedfrom small samples taken of your fingernails, saliva, or more commonly, your blood, urine,
or hair. Almost 10 percent of the nation’s teens report the use of
illicit drugs within the lastmonth. The drug testing in high school and college students is an important and ultimatelyone of the best solution made by the government officials to reduce and stop theincreasing amount of young drug users in schools, universities, and state colleges.Schools have made the policy of random drug testing on students to serves as a warningto not get into peer pressure. Because
I believe “a friend in deed, won’t make you smokethat weed.”
Drug testing in school has resulted in accurate, powerful, and a positive outcomein attempting to reduce the amount of young drug users in school. The purpose of drugtesting is not to catch whose using an illegal drug, but to prevent them from using it inthe first place. Surely, there should be action taken to punish those criminals. The currentmethod to attack drugs is at the source, by imprisoning dealers and breaking the supplychain are not so succeeding. Why drug testing is so important and necessary to be
implemented, because it is important to protect teenagers at the age were, they’re easily
get influenced by the peers and at the time when their attitude to education greatly affectstheir entire lives.Some sacrifice of human rights is necessary to eliminate the drug problem. Drugtesting is a simple mechanism for examining the human body because there is a multipleoptions of detecting it by supplying urine, hair, or simply a breath. These small samplehelps to detect the common drugs like methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Also, if
you know that you are not breaking the law then there’s nothing to fear of.