Sagot :
Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through Earth's layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, magma movement, large landslides and large man-made explosions that give out low-frequency acoustic energy. Many other natural and anthropogenic sources create low-amplitude waves commonly referred to as ambient vibrations. Seismic waves are studied by geophysicists called seismologists. Seismic wave fields are recorded by a seismometer, hydrophone (in water), or accelerometer.
-Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through Earth's layers
-Seismic waves are studied by geophysicists called seismologists.
-Seismic wave fields are recorded by a seismometer, hydrophone (in water), or accelerometer
-Seismic wave fields are usually generated by movements of the Earth's tectonic plates
-A seismic wave is an elastic wave generated by an impulse such as an earthquake or an explosion
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