
TASK 9. COMMUNITY PLAN Assume that you have already an inaportant role in your community such as a government ofiicial, a medical or an economic frontliner, a social worker or the Hke. Think ofa project or program that you and your team can implement as your help to the people in this time of pandemic. Using the template below, present your Community Plan clearly and creatively Name of the Project/Program: Goal of the Project/Program: Your Role: Your Team's Role: Your Beneficiaries: (Who will you help? Who will benefit the project/program?) Situation: (Why do these people need to be helped? What problem will this project/program address?) Process: (How will this project/program be implemented? What activities will you perform?) (Draw a picture or an illustration that represents your Community Plan.)​

TASK 9 COMMUNITY PLAN Assume That You Have Already An Inaportant Role In Your Community Such As A Government Ofiicial A Medical Or An Economic Frontliner A Soci class=