TLE 6 1. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letters on the blank before the number. COLUMN A 1. Innovative 2. Persistent 3. Helpful 4. Strategist 5. Prudent 6. Industrious 7. Honest 8. Coring 9. Confident 10. Determined COLUMN B a. must display hard work and perseverance to face challenges
b. a go-getter and an achiever
c. does not engage in deceptive or fraudulent acts
d. must have the ability to envision future needs or demands
e. does not easily give up or let go
f. is a careful planer
g. always available to provide assistance
h. feels or shows certainty as a point of modelling success
i. understands the feelings and concerns of his customers and work
j. never wasteful and always ensures that all resources are utilized