1. Pampanga is known for this art and craft. A. Basket B. Parol C. Pot D. Tattoo
2. The last "mambabatok" or traditional Kalinga tattoo artist. A. Hang-Od B. Mang-Od C. Tang-Od D. Wang-Od
3. It is a physical fitness test done to measure Cardiovascular Endurance. A. 3 minute-step test B. 40 meter Sprint C. Standing Long Jump D. Stick-drop test
4. It is a component of health-related fitness measured through computation of BMI A. Body Composition B. Push-ups C. Standing Long Jump D. 40 meter sprint
5. It is a component of health-related fitness, measured by performing Zipper Test. A. Agility B. Balance C. Flexibility D. Muscular Endurance
6. It is a physical fitness test done to measure Coordination A. Hexagon Agility Test B. Juggling C. Sit and Reach D. Zipper Test
7. It is a physical fitness test done to measure Reaction Time. A. Juggling B. Sit and Reach C. Stick-drop-test D. Zipper Test ofitioner hfhuan