
Directions: Identify if the following shows the characteristics of rhythm/melody of the provinces. Write the answers on the blank,
Just choose your answer here: Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, & Visayas Province
_________________1. Its vocal music has melismatic characteristics.
_________________2. The music of this province is similar to cordillera music.
_________________3. Music is characterized by imitation of sound from nature and the environment.
_________________4. Its vocal music has different kinds of vocal from which are kulial and tultul.
_________________5. Their music can be categorized into 3: vocal music, instrumental music, and vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment.
_________________6. Its vocal music has music meter without a time signature.
_________________7. Its vocal music is commonly written on bamboo.
_________________8. This province is highly influenced by Spanish.
_________________9. Basil and Basal are two of the instruments played by this province.
_________________10. The musical style of this province is a song-and-dance-debate between a man and woman known as balitaw.
_________________11. Rondalla instruments are used by this province.
_________________12. Their instrumental music is Gangsa ensemble.
_________________13. Its music is distinctively made up of 2 sounds characteristics of instruments mental & bamboo
_________________14. Music is used for communication with the spirit in rituals & worship, weddings, etc.
_________________15. Vocal and instrumental music are love and incantation like antang, tarasul, dango and salidummay.​