A tsunami B fire 11. The following is NOT a secondary effect of the movement of plates? C. landslide 13. Which crustal plate movement is being described when Crustal plate A is moving away from Crustal plate ? A Converging plates C. Oceanic plates 0 Diverging plates D. Continental plates 13. When two tectonie plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subduets beneath the continental crust because it is A denser than the continental crust C. thicker than the continental crust less dense than the continental crust D. thinner than the continental crus 14 The following evidence support the Plate Tectonies theory EXCEPT? A the distribution of fossils on different continents D. the occurrence of earthquakes C. the principles on magnetic shift and convection current D presence of continental and ocean floor features including mountains volcanoes, faults and trenches 15. Who proposed that the continents were moving or drifting away from one another? A Alfred Wegener C. Arthur Smite 3. Chris Slab D. Francis Tarbuck Name
games and I will get back to you with some friends and family are you going to do about that thing is a prank call you when I am done with the interview and I will be there at the party