
How do you think stereotyping affects your life?

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Stereotype threat leads to a vicious circle. Stigmatised individuals experience anxiety which depletes their cognitive resources and leads to underperformance, confirmation of the negative stereotype and reinforcement of the fear.


I often emphasize that people are threatened by stereotypes numerous times a day, says Steele.The reason for this is that we have multiple identities — gender, race, and age.And there are negative prejudices about each of those identities.And when people are in a scenario where a negative stereotype about one of their identities is relevant to the situation, they are aware that they could be judged or treated in terms of that stereotype. In many of the histories we study, educators from Facing History investigate the impact of preconceptions.We can see how stereotypes influence people's and communities' decisions, as well as the consequences of those decisions, in personal stories.
