
1: Pretest
Find out how much you already know about the lesson by answering the items
in this test. Write your answer on a piece of paper.
1. Make adjustments to your budget as necessary. Keep within the amount
allocated for budget items.
a. True
b. false
c. I don't know
d. maybe
2. Making a list of all the things that are needed at home is not necessary in
managing the family resources.
a. True
b. false
c. I don't know
d. maybe
3. Teach the children to spend their allowance wisely.
a. False
b. True
c. I don't know
d. maybe
4. Keep the needles in the
before and after use.
a. Thread
b. thimble
c. pin cushion
d. ruler
5. It is good for polishing needles and pins.
a. Thread
b. emery bag c. hem gauge
d. ruler
6. This pair of scissors has saw tooth edge rather than straight blade.
a. Pinking shears
c. dressmaking shears
b. fabric shears
d. light trimmers