
a. 1. This is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which is also home for living things. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 2. This is the housing most of the ozone layer that protects the Earth's surface and its living things. a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 3. This layer temperature is considerably already low with the gain of height from the earth's surface it does not have a vital amount of ozone to protect us from sun's harmful rays a, Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 4. This layer has a region with increased temperature despite the altitude. a. Thermosphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 5. This is the last layer which has a very few signatures of oxygen and is the closest to space. a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 6. This atmosphere spans seven to ten kilometers above the Earth's surface. a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 7. This layer of the earth's atmosphere extends from the Thermosphere up to the gargantuan length of 10,000 km. a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 8. This atmosphere extends to about 85 km and help in burning down Meteors into small chunks. a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere 9. This is best known for its function of serving as some sort of protective layer all over the expanse of earth. a. Earth b. Ozone Layer c. Atmosphere d. Exosphere 10. This is responsible reason behind global warming, a phenomenon believed to b the reason for the constant rise of the earth's temperature, a. Greenhouse Effect b. Ozone Layer c. UV Rays d. Carbon Dioxide​