
problems young learners experience in home​

Sagot :


manuscript Performance Task: Each student will choose a unique topic to write a speech. These topics include social and environmental issues that cripple society today. Each issue is contextualized - meaning it is picked in such a way that it is in line with the student's strand just like inflation for ABM, historical revisionism for HUMSS and putting civilization in Mars for STEM, among others. The student, however, could choose as to what type of speech he/she wants to write based on the nature of the topic. GOAL. To write and based on the topic chosen. ROLES. The role of the students varies depending on the topic. This may include but not limited to: • Economist Cosmologist Historian World Trade Expert Political Analyst Lawmaker Disaster Resiliency Expert Cultural Preservation Advocate Urban Planner • Peace Process Expert Psychologist Sociologist Sports Analyst AUDIENCE. Scientists Filipino Masses Youth Others SITUATIONS International Science Discovery Conference . Historical Revisionism Awareness Seminar • Depression Awareness Seminar . Cultural Awareness and Preservation Forum • Others


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