1. Label the two glasses with COLD WATER, and HOT WATER respectively. 2. Half-fill the 1st glass with HOT WATER. Cover it with plastic bag and sealed using rubber band as shown in the figure below. Precaution: Be careful in pouring hot water. You may ask your guardian to assist you in doing this activity. 3. Do the same procedure with COLD WATER. Make sure re that they have the same amount of water. 4. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on top of the plastic bag in both set up. 5. Using the speaker, play an upbeat music. Place the speaker near the two set ups. Increase the volume to see the vibration of the salt. 6. Record all your observations. The figure below shows the two set up in the experiment. COLD WATER HOT WATER ܐܐ А B Based on your experiment, complete the table below, SET UP Temperature (High or Low) Vibration Produced (Fast or Slow) A. COLD WATER B. HOT WATER Guide Questions 1. Which glass produced greater number of vibrations? 2. From your observation, how will you differentiate the vibration of the two set upse 3. How does the temperature affect the number of vibrations? 4. From your grade 7 lessons, what characteristic of sound wave is related to the number of vibrations produced?