
1.how does product pricing affect businnesses? do you thing product pricing is important to businesses owners? why or why not?

2. what do you think are the things that might affect decisions in product pricing give at least two. defend your answer

subject: entrepreneurship

Sagot :


Pricing is significant because it establishes the value of your product for both you and your customers.It's the measurable pricing point that tells customers if it's worth their time and money. This all points to one conclusion: we're completely biased.Of all, we're just trying to protect our own interests when we declare that pricing is the most crucial component of your firm.Well, not quite.Sure, we aspire to be the world's leading pricing evangelists, and yes, talking about pricing does lead to new business.But let's be clear: we're in the industry, so pricing isn't an issue.Rather, we're in the price business because it's so crucial to businesses all around the world.It's critical to make this distinction. Because we live in a society driven by value, pricing is a reflection of everything you do as a business, from product development to a link to your website.Nothing characterizes a company or a product more than its name.Let's look at why pricing is the (unbiased) most significant component of your organization by delving into its theoretical foundations and seeing how much of an impact price optimization can have on your bottom line.
