
Carefully read each item. Write the letter of the best answer. Use separate sheets for your answers.
1. What form of business governed on the principle of one member, one vote?
A. Cooperatives C. States
B. Corporation D. Unions
2. What organization of the state which makes, implements, enforces, and adjudicates the law?
A. Cooperatives C. Government
B. Corporation D. Trade Unions
3. What institution that allows people deposit their money for safe keeping and interests?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Lending Company
4. What institution is made up of individuals, shareholders or stockholders who engage to business?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions
5. What type of corporation that are formed to generate revenues and provide returns to their shareholders?
A. For- Profit C. Trade Groups
B. Not-for Profit D. Union Groups
6. What type of corporation that operates under the category of charitable organization?
A. For- Profit C. Trade Groups
B. Not-for Profit D. Union Groups
7. What business organization that extends production and sales into several countries?
A. International Government Organization C. Multinational Corporations
B. International Organization D. Transnational Groups
8. What organization is formed by workers for common interests of their co-workers?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperative D. Trade Groups
9. What organization whose activities transcend to national boundaries to facilitates cooperation?
A. International Organization C. Trade Unions
B. Multinational Corporation D. Union Groups
10. What form of government in which supreme power is absolutely lodged with an individual?
A. Democracy C. Oligarchy
B. Monarchy D. Theocracy