
5 things to do after earthquake

Sagot :


Things to do before, during, and after an Earthquake

A. Before an earthquake

1. Equip yourself with the knowledge regarding first aid, in other words learn first aid.

2. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings, if ever you're in a building or places other than your house, determine where the emergency exit is located.

3. Prepare emergency kit --- MREs (Meal-Ready to Eat) such a canned goods, batteries, flashlight, a battery-powered radio, first aid kit, and etc.

4. Always check your LPGs, gas connections, electricity box and other things that may posses hazards, make sure they are running smoothly or turn it off whenever you're not using them.

5. Prepare emergency plans, where to meet with your family after an earthquake, know nearest emergency institutions, who to contact, and what to do if the "what if's" happened.

B. During the earthquake

1. As much as possible STAY CALM! Staying calm will make your chances to survive higher.

2. Don't try to runaway, if you're inside a building, stay and find sturdy object (e.g table, bed) to hide on. If you're outside, never attempt to run inside any building.

3. Stay observant so that you can react swiftly. Stay away from cabinets or shelves that might fall on you.

4. Incase that you're inside a car, don't go outside. Stop the car and wait for the earthquake to stop.

5. If possible, stay in an open area.

C. After the earthquake

1. Assess yourself, check any injuries.

2. Incase of a severe injury, if possible call for help, apply first aid and calm yourself.

3. If the surrounding is dark, never attempt to use any flame producing light, it may cause explosions since gas lines might be broken. Always be extra careful.

4. Think. Remember all the emergency plans you've prepared.

5. As much as possible, conserve energy. Don't use phones for non-emergency purposes. Turn on radio for latest news or for instructions from the government.



