TEST X IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFY THE TERM REFERRED TO BY THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE SPACE PROVIDED BEFORE THE NUMBER. 1. One of the genres of viewing that is also known as special reports 2. The form of a verb that indicates whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action. 3. A sentence that gives a statement or thoughts in its original tonn according to how the original speaker said it. phrase that consists of a noun and other related 1 5. One of the types of analogy in which the pair of words show similar relationship or have the same meaning 6. A group of related words (within a sentence without both subject and verb. 7. A research based reporting that deals with a specific Topic and format. 8. This voice describes a sentence where the subject is doing the verb's actions 9. A genre of viewing that tells and foretells weather conditions on a specific area