
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT A. Fill in the Blanks Direction Fill in the missing words that makes the statement complete Choose your answer from the given option below Proper before sloning means that pastries must be covered with plastic or place in a box 2 Raw eggs is a medium in which dangerous bacteria such as can thrive Pastries should be kept in the refrigerator until the last possible moment to prevent the risk of Packaging helps prolong the shelf life of a pastry product ty preventing damage 5 Packaging also helps in the retention of the of pastry products 5 Packaging and can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product Packaging materials must be preferably transparent and have a surface io attrect customers 3. Packaging also play an imporant role in reducing risk of shipmerd The color of the package plays a significant role in evoking that persuade the consummer to make the purchase 10. Packages may include to help indicate that the package and contents are not counterfeit labels mechanical security nutritive value emotions salmonella authentication soal food pokoning glossy storage​