
ssman. Multiple Choice, Read each item carefully. 1. It consists of the elite or wealthy families. achieved status ascribed status b. tower dass d. 2. It is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives. a. caste and dosed-dass system Tower dass b. middle class d. open class system upper dass C. 3. The individual's position in the social structure, a upper class b. middle class status statuses d. 4. A society's categorization of people into socioeconomic strata/layer, based on their occupation and income, wealth and social status, or derived power. a. vertical mobility C. political stratification b. horizontal mobility d. social stratification 5. Status earned by the individual a status b. achieved status C. d. ascribed status statuses 6. The act of moving from one social status to another. a. social mobility C. social stratification b. political stratification d. differentiation 7. People in the social class who depend merely on their paycheck. a middle class C. b. lower class d. social class upper class 8. It refers to the evaluation of status. a. esteem b. prestige C. differentiation d. stratification 9. The method of relating people in terms of certain social characteristics and then classifying them into social categories based on their characteristics. a social structure differentiation b. social mobility d. political stratification C. 10. These are mostly professional people like lawyers, doctors, manager, owners of small businesses, executives, etc a. upper class lower class b. social class d. middle class C.​