MUSIC Identify the following. (15 pts. 1. This symphony i al called "Suprise Symphony 2. This symphony is also called "The Military". 3. Thus sympdetay' n also called "The Clock". He svas called the Father of Symrluny*** 5. Ai wluat age does Mozart wiis able to play the violin 6. At this age, Mozart had written sonutas concertos, symptotues, ele 7. At this age. Mozart was recursued its an exceptional perasst. 8. He is the greatest composer of all times 9. A multi-moi entent work for sole instrument. 10. A multi-movement work for colo orchestra. 11 A mult-movement work for solo instrument and endotra 12 IIe was called the "Chuld Prodiev" 13. A drama set to music where singers and musicians peifarm in a theatrical 14. The ruddle part of sonata allegro form 15. The first part of sonnta allegro form