
find the sum of 11 x 2 -3 x + 8 and -5 x 2 + 4x - 13​

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Welive in a dynamic world surrounded by almost endless amounts of informaon.Riding the coaails of informaon is all of the technology we have at our ngerps. Foras prevalent as technology is now,is it replacing real lasng educaon? oes technologyhave a place in our classrooms? ! thin" any level#headed educator would agree that children must be able to usetechnology to be compeve in the wor"place a$er graduaon. With all the trends andadvancements in technology, no one can argue that we will go bac"ward from here. !don%t foresee technology replacing passionate teachers educang their students. !simply see it as an important tool to help the educaon process and prepare studentsfor the future. From a recent studies, teachers want to use more technology in theclassroom. &he "ids seem to really en'oy it and are e(cited about using it. &hoseinterested in embracing technology need to educate themselves on what%s out there.)ere is a small sliver of the advantages we gain from using technology to educatepeople. *chool districts across the country are not created e+ual. &here is so muchdisparity in educaonal resources depending on the wealth, or lac" thereof, dependingon certain areas. *tudents using technology in low#income districts gain signicant s"illsand advantages in the learning process. sing the same technology is an e+uali-er fordisadvantaged students. &he world is moving towards technology at a brea"nec" pace.ducators have a responsibility to introduce, encourage, and help students mastertechnology, as well as sub'ects, as it applies to school and the future. &echnology will beused in every aspect of the professional lives of current students. *o upon graduaon,whether the ne(t step is college or career, technology will be used daily. Why not use itdaily in school? sing technology the classroom can be ta"en anywhere. With all the"nowledge and resources contained and deliverable on demand on a mobile device,students can learn at home or in the /eld0. 1obile technology allows for greatercollaboraon between students promong strong foundaons in group wor".&echnology trac"s and reports student%s progress instantly. What fun is running amarathon if you don%t "now how long it ta"es. Runners can get instant feedbac" fromhundreds of data points as to their condion. &his feedbac" provides instant movaonto improve performance.


Directions: Find the sum of 11x² -3x + 8 and -5x² + 4x - 13​.

Answer: 6x²+x-5


= (11x² -3x + 8) + (-5x²+4x-13)

= 11x²-3x+8-5x²+4x-13

= 11x²-5x²-3x+4x+8-13

= 11x²-5x²-3x+4x-5

= 6x²-3x+4x-5

= 6x²+x-5


Remember: This polynomial is a sum of some powers of a specific variable, with the some factor to multiply each power. If this condition exists, adding two polynomials essentially means combining the coefficients of the same powers.