Sagot :
Welive in a dynamic world surrounded by almost endless amounts of informaon.Riding the coaails of informaon is all of the technology we have at our ngerps. Foras prevalent as technology is now,is it replacing real lasng educaon? oes technologyhave a place in our classrooms? ! thin" any level#headed educator would agree that children must be able to usetechnology to be compeve in the wor"place a$er graduaon. With all the trends andadvancements in technology, no one can argue that we will go bac"ward from here. !don%t foresee technology replacing passionate teachers educang their students. !simply see it as an important tool to help the educaon process and prepare studentsfor the future. From a recent studies, teachers want to use more technology in theclassroom. &he "ids seem to really en'oy it and are e(cited about using it. &hoseinterested in embracing technology need to educate themselves on what%s out there.)ere is a small sliver of the advantages we gain from using technology to educatepeople. *chool districts across the country are not created e+ual. &here is so muchdisparity in educaonal resources depending on the wealth, or lac" thereof, dependingon certain areas. *tudents using technology in low#income districts gain signicant s"illsand advantages in the learning process. sing the same technology is an e+uali-er fordisadvantaged students. &he world is moving towards technology at a brea"nec" pace.ducators have a responsibility to introduce, encourage, and help students mastertechnology, as well as sub'ects, as it applies to school and the future. &echnology will beused in every aspect of the professional lives of current students. *o upon graduaon,whether the ne(t step is college or career, technology will be used daily. Why not use itdaily in school? sing technology the classroom can be ta"en anywhere. With all the"nowledge and resources contained and deliverable on demand on a mobile device,students can learn at home or in the /eld0. 1obile technology allows for greatercollaboraon between students promong strong foundaons in group wor".&echnology trac"s and reports student%s progress instantly. What fun is running amarathon if you don%t "now how long it ta"es. Runners can get instant feedbac" fromhundreds of data points as to their condion. &his feedbac" provides instant movaonto improve performance.
Directions: Find the sum of 11x² -3x + 8 and -5x² + 4x - 13.
Answer: 6x²+x-5
= (11x² -3x + 8) + (-5x²+4x-13)
= 11x²-3x+8-5x²+4x-13
= 11x²-5x²-3x+4x+8-13
= 11x²-5x²-3x+4x-5
= 6x²-3x+4x-5
= 6x²+x-5