
Which of the following describes a canopy of the rainforest? a composed of trees that are 130 to 180 feet tall b. about 59 feet and consists of trunk of canopy, shrubs, small plants and trees c. consists mostly of fungi, insects, worms and litter from taller trees d. has slender tees from a dense platform of vegetation with 60 to 129 feet 7. Why is producer important in an ecosystem? a. It is the source of food to the consumers. b. It is an organism that eats plants. c. It breaks down organism into smaller particles. d. It is a series of feeding relationship. results from the interconnected food chains. a consumer 8. b, producer c. food web d. biotic component 9. A reef that stands between the open sea and a lagoon refers to 8. Barrier Reefs b. Fringing Reefs c. Coral Atolls d. Coral reefs 10. Why is there a need to protect and conserve the mangrove swamp coosystem? a. It is home to animals like jaguar, monkey and owl. b. It serves as breeding or nesting grounds of fishes. c. It protects ses animals like sponges, moliusks and crustaceans. d. It provides livelihood to the farmers.​