17. Which of the following do living things need C. sunlight b. water d. all of the above a food 18. Most living things can grow to replace themselves, so they are called? o. nonrenewable c. recyclable b. renewable d. reusable 19. Which of the following shows motions a. looking things b. listening to music C. pushing the chair d. watching television 20. A place or object uses comparison to determine if something is in motion a. reference point c. starting point b. stationary object d. beginning 21. How does the Ferris wheel move? a. by bouncing c. by pushing b. by spinning d. by rolling if it changes position relative to a reference 22. An object is in point. a. the air b. gravity c. motion d. a state of rest 23. Which of the following best describes light? a. The sun is the only source of light on Earth b. light helps us see the things around us c. light can only be produced by nonliving things d. a lightbulb is a natural source of light