
procedures using different cleaning a What's in Cleaning tools and equipment is so vital in nail care. It should be a haut because these tools are shared among a number of people. Cleaning prevents the Spread of fungal and bacterial diseases from one person to the other person Let us have a simple recall of the different tools and equipment used in a Care Please answer the next activity prepared for you. A. Directions. Check the underlined word. Write the correct answer of the following numbers below 1. 1 a substance, milder than a disinfectant, that prevents the growth and development of micro-organisms 2. - an agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that destroys, neutralizes, or prevents the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms 3 a term referring to any process that eliminates (removes) or kills all forms microbial life articles or tools used in manicuring that are durable the science concerned with maintaining good health and cleanliness​