Sagot :
Waves - Electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles. These waves are also called "electromagnetic radiation" because they radiate from the electrically charged particles. They travel through empty space as well as through air and other substances.
Frequency - Frequency is the number of waves that form in a given length of time. It is usually measured as the number of wave cycles per second, or hertz (Hz
Wave lengths - wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks of a wave. This distance is given in meters (m) or fractions thereof.
Transverse Wave - Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. That means the electric and magnetic fields change (oscillate) in a plane that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.
Longitudinal waves - Longitudinal waves A wave is called a longitudinal wave when the disturbances in the wave are parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave.
energy - The energy in any part of the electromagnetic wave is the sum of the energies of the electric and magnetic fields
mechancial wave -
electro magnetic wave - Mechanical waves, unlike electromagnetic waves, require the presence of a material medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another
radio wave - Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared radiation
Microwave - Microwaves are a form of "electromagnetic" radiation; that is, they are waves of electrical and magnetic energy moving together through space
infared wave - infrared radiation, that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from the long wavelength, or red, end of the visible-light range to the microwave range.
Visible light - Visible light is a form of electromagnetic (EM) radiation, as are radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and microwaves.
Ultraviolet wave - Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes black-light posters glow, and is responsible for summer tans — and sunburns
X-ray - X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation similar to radio waves, microwaves, visible light and gamma rays.
Gamma ray - gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation of the shortest wavelength and highest energy