
Examine the situation in the box based on the first principle of the Natural Moral Law: Do good and avoid evil. Do this on your Answer Sheet using the matrix at the bottom of the box.


Carol has long wanted to have a cell phone because she is the only one who doesn't have one with her friends. Their exam mark is also coming up. Her parent said they would be happy if they could get a high score on the marked exam. As a reward, he will buy her a cellphone. So Carol worked hard to get a good grade for her exams.

When the day of the marked test came, Carol saw that only a few of her students came up with questions. So he looks at his neighbor to make sure his answers are correct. Carol told herself that in case she copied, she would only do so now for two reasons: first, to make her parents happy and second, to have a cellphone.

Is his reasoning correct according to the Natural Moral Law?


Reasoning of the mind towards truth:

Instructions: In the first column are written the questions or information you need to provide or answer. Put it in the corresponding column. Follow the example in the first part (page) to make it easier to answer. Do this on your Answer Sheet

1. The act of the mind to understand the truth in the situation: (4 pts) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The act of the mind to judge whether a decision or action is good or bad. (6 pts) Good: ___________________________________

Bad: _______________________________________

3. Judging whether a decision or action is Good or Bad and the feeling of obligation to choose Good (5 pts) Good is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. So the Natural Moral Law must follow what the situation says (5 pts) Choose the Good ________________________________________

Reason _______________________________

5. Action to be taken by instinct towards goodness based on the reasoning of the mind (5 pts)
