
1.It is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court
A. Basketball
B. Soft Ball
C. Baseball
D. Arnis

2. It was originally play with a soccer ball.
A. Baseball
B. Softball
C. Basketball
D. Soccer

3. The lead official usually performs the jump ball.
A. Crew chief
B. Umpires
C. Scorer
D. Line Man

4. The de facto leader of the team on the court
A. Shooting guard
B. Center
C. Power forward
D. Point Guard

5. It is known as two or the off Guard.
A. Center
B. Shooting guard
C. Point Guard
D. Power forward

6. The ball is passed directly from passer's chest to the receiver chest .
A. Bounce pass
B. Overhead pass
C. Chest pass
D. No look pass

7. It Occurs after a team gets a defensive rebound next pass after rebounding.
A. Outlet pass
B. Behind the back pass
C. Chest pass
D. No look pass

8. The Following are basic skills in softball expect:
A. Fielding
B. Catching
C. Sliding
D. Shooting