
B. Compose a simple melody of your own using F major. Then, perform your composition in front of the class by singing its so-fa syllables or playing it on the keyboard or piano. Poor Rubrics: Excellent Very Good Good 3 Fair 2 5 The pupil composed and sung it correctly a The pupil composed a melody and some notes are not sung correctly Composed some melody and sung correctly. Composed some melody and did not sung it correctly Composed some melody and some notes did not sung it correctly. melody Fair 4 Poor 2 The song The song Excellent 10 The pupil composed an original song with a clear theme. The message is conveyed. c. Compose a verse-chorus song about your friends. Very Good Good 8 6 The pupil composed an original song but there are some elements that are not excellent Some parts of the song composed is not original, and some elements are not excellent composed is not original, but the message is conveyed composed is not original. The message is not conveyed. Verse: Chorus:​