1. The lens at the top that you look through. They are usually lox or 15% power. A. Eyepiece Lens B. Tube C. Am D. Base
2. Connects the eyepleco to the objective lenses, A. Eyepiece Lens B. Tube C. Arm D. Base
3. Supports the tube and connects it to the base A. Eyepiece Lens B. Tube C. Arm D. Base
4. The bottom of the microscope used for support. A. Eyepiece lens B. Tube C. Am D. Base
5. A steady light source used in place of a mirror. If your microscope has a mirror, it is used to reflect light from an external light source up through the bottom of the stage. A. Illuminator B. Stage C. Revolving Nosepiece D. Obiective Lenses D. Endocrine
6. This body syster protects organs and provides shape and support. A. Respiratory B. Skeletal C. Muscular D. Endocrine
7. This body syster allows for movement by contracting. A. Respiratory B. Skeletal C. Muscular
8. This body system regulates body activities using homones. Slow response, long lasting A. Respiratory B. Skeletal C. Muscular 0. Endocrine D. Reproductive
9. This body syster fights off foreign invaders in the body. A. Immune B. Integumentary C. Lymphatic D.Reproductive
10. This body system acts as barrier against infection (1st line of defense) and he ps regulate body temp. A. immune B. Integumentary C. Lymphatic D. Reproductive