
Pls help me po,10points
True or false
1.When threading the needle,hold the needle infront of you below eye level.
2. For easier threading, cut the end of the thread in straight direction.
3. A running stitch is also called basting stitch.
4. In threading a single thread, the length of the thread should be about the length of your arm.
5. A stitch that is similar to a machine stitch is running stitch.
6. To make a knot, hold the end of the thread and wind it around your finger to about two or three times to make a stitch.
7. Cross stitch can be done in the folded edge of a hand towel,an apron,and baby's draper.
8. Hemming stich is an example of decorative stitch.
9. A temporary stitch that is used to hold fold or two pieces of cloth together is a basting stitch.
10. Use thimble when doing machine sewing.