
driswer. 1. What is considered as visual documents that gives idea or instruction about creating music using the staff and the different musical symbols? a Scales b. Rhythmic Patters c. Musical Notations d. Melodic Phrase 2. What do you call the distance between two pitches that are played one after the other or in a horizontal manner? a. Melodic Interval b. Melodic Phrase c. Rhythmic Pattem d. Key Signature 3. What key does not have any sharp or flat in the key signatures? a key of F Major b. Key of G Major c. Key of D Major d. Key of C Major 4. Which of the following key majors utilizes one sharp (#) that can be found in the beginning of the measure? a key of F Major b. Key of G Major c. Key of D Major d. Key of C Major 5. Which key majors utilizes only one flat (b) on the staff? a key of C Major b. Key of D Major c. Key of F Major d. Key of G Major 6. What do you call do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, and do in music? a Pitch names b. So-fa syllables C. musical symbols d. accidentals 7. Which of the following musical symbols means to raise its pitch one semitone or halftone going to the right? a b. b. O c. # d. b 8. Which of the following musical symbols when placed before a note it lowers the pitch into one semitone or halftone going to the left? a> C. # d. b 9. In music, what do you call C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C? a. Pitch names b. So-fa syllables c. Accidentals d. Scales 10. Which is true about the Key of C? a. It has accidentals. b. It uses movable "do". c. It has one sharp (#). d. It uses fixed "do". 11. Which is considered as the hometone of the major scales? a la b. fa C, do d. mi 12. Which is the hometone of the minor scales? a la b. fa C. re d. do 13 Which of the following shows Key of G major?​