Direction: Study the tàble and answer the questions below.
1). Baśed on the given dâta, how mány people are on socīal mediã at present time?
A. 4.36 Billîon
B. 3.48 Billïon
C. 3.81 Billîon
D. 4.63 Billįon
2). What is the mōst popúlar socîal mëdia platform?
A. YouTúbe
B. Twittèr
C. Fačebook
D. Instagřam
3). What is the fastèst grôwïng soçial mediá plàtform from 2019-2021?
A. Instàgram
B. Facèbook
C. TîkTok
D. Twitteŕ