
C. Directions: Study the Dictionary below and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number savana - savvy sa'van'na (sa-van-a) n. 1. a treeless plain 2. a tropical grassland containing scattered trees. sa'vant (sa'vant) n. a man of learning save (sav) v. 1. to deliver from sin 2. to put aside as reserve for future use 3. to rescue savory (sa'vor'e) adj. 1. of an agreeable taste and odor, appetizing 2. piquant to taste 3. in good repute sav'vy (sa-ve) v. understanding n. practical know-how I 10. What do you call the two words listed above the page A. entry words B. guide words C. signal words D. respelling words 11. Which meaning of save is used in the sentence?“We need to save water for this coming dry season". A1 B.2 C. 3 D. None​