
What's New Direction l: Conduct a aurvey of the persons in the community whosc occupation needed data by using the survey questionaire below keep a record of the data collected in a separate sheet of paper, Survey Form Response Name of the Farmer! Address Seq. 1 Survey Questions Has this household ever raised fish? 2 3 4 fish 5 6 7 (current or past) Did this household have an existing fishpond? Have you sold fish for income? Approximately how much of your total household income is from selling farmed fish? Where or to whom do you market your products? Approximately how long have you raised fish? How many times do you produce farmed fish every year? What species/types of fishes do you raise? ? What type of feeds do you give to your fishes? What benefits do you get from fish farming? How did you solve problems in order to improve your fish farming business? Will you encourage your friends and family to venture into fish farming? Why? 8 9 10 11 12​