Sagot :
Attached here is the G clef staff with sofa syllables.
The pitches of the notes set on the lines and spaces of a staff are shown by an image placed near the start of the staff. The image of the G clef is an adapted letter "G" that encloses the line of the staff, illustrating where the "G" above center C (G4 or g1) is found, as evidenced by the image.
For example, the G clef, also known as the high pitch clef, is placed on the next line (counting upwards) and fixed as the pitch first G above "central C." The lines and spaces are numbered from base to top, with the principal line being the first line and the top line being the fifth line.
The place where the notes are taken is known as the battle (or clef). The advanced staff has five lines and four spaces, and the G is the combat line that the clef folds over (in red). On this line, any note tuned to G becomes G.
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