Sagot :
You can help reduce the chance of a terrorist attack by keeping an eye out for suspicious situations, such as an unattended suitcase or someone with a conspicuous level of interest in the security of a building.
Be vigilant in public areas
Be extra vigilant in places with large numbers of people, for example metro and train stations, festivals and concert venues, and shopping centres.
Check the location of the emergency exits in every building you enter.
Don't leave your belongings unattended.
Report suspicious situations
Whether or not a situation is suspicious depends very much on the context. For example, an unattended suitcase on a train platform does not necessarily mean anything sinister. Still, the best course of action is to notify a member of staff straight away. Or call the police.
How can you report a suspicious situation?
In the event of an emergency, call the national emergency number 112.
Report suspicious situations or terrorist activities to the police by calling 0900 8844. If you would like to remain anonymous, do not give your name and ask to speak to the Criminal Intelligence Unit.
A report can also be submitted online using the police's terrorism reporting form (in Dutch).
You can report something anonymously by contacting Meld Misdaad Anoniem (the 'Report Crime Anonymously' help desk) on 0800 7000.
For the deaf and hearing-impaired:
police text line: 0900 1844
emergency text number: 0800 8112