
Identification. Identify what is being described in the statements and truths about the Liturgy and the Sacraments.

1. It is the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation through Christ's passing over from this world to the Father.

2. It is a public service participated by the People of God to celebrate the mysteries of the Lord.

3. It is the most worthy place in the Church where the Lord is present.

4. It is the Sacrament instituted by Christ to wash and cleanse the soul from the grave weight of sins committed after baptism by a person with due repentance.

5. It is the only Sacrament where the matter and form are one and the same, "the mutual exchange of consent to accept each other before the Church manifested in words and signs."

6. It is a Sacrament which imprints a permanent seal in the soul of a baptized Christian that can be received only once and marks this individual forever as a Christian who acts as a witness for Christ.

7. It is the foundational Sacrament and prerequisite for all other sacraments.

8. It is the first degree in the Sacrament of the Holy Orders inside the Catholic Church whose tasks include teaching, catechizing, proclaiming the Gospel, preaching at Mass, and assisting in the liturgy.

9. It is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ gives His Body and Blood for us, so that we might give ourselves to Him in love and be united with Him in Holy Communion.

10. It is the last Holy Communion received, which prepares the sick for the final journey.

pasagot po plss
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nonsense answer