
TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE in the space provided if the statement is right and write FALSE if the statement is wrong.
_______________1. Qualitative Research is more on words and pictures than numbers
_______________2. Qualitative Research focuses more on the level or measurement of things
_______________3. Qualitative Data could be gathered by watching films _______________4. Qualitative Data could be gathered by asking through a phone interview
_______________5. Qualitative Data could be gathered by asking how many? _______________6. Qualitative Data could be generated deductively
_______________7. Qualitative Research is more focused on the what, how and why of things than how many or what level?
_______________8. Qualitative Data could not be gathered in a normal setting _______________9. In gathering Qualitative Data, you can just observe people in places
_______________10. Qualitative researchers are not putting together a puzzle whose picture they already know. They are constructing a picture that takes shape as they collect and examine