
1.What is the value of 8 in 0.28?
A. 0.08 B. 8 C. 0.8 D. 0.008
2.What is the place valuemof the underlinded digit in 0.92 (UnderLined Is 9)
A. hundredths B. ones C. tenths D. tens
3. What is value of 6 in 0.6?
A. 0.6 B. 6 C. 0.006 D. 0.06
4.0.17 can be read as:
A. Seventeen B. Seventeen tenths C. Seventeen hundredths D. Seven
5.How is one and thirty four hundredths written in symbol?
A. 1.034 B. `134 C. 1.0034 D. 1.34