Independent Activity 1
Directions: Write if the practice is a good one and X if not. Write your answer on the line
before each number
1. James restates his position in the concluding paragraph.
2. Patrick conducts an audience analysis to help him write a more persuasive
position paper
3. Rita boasts about her credentials to establish her credibility as a writer.
4. Angelo believes that the main goal of a position paper is to inform readers.
5. Mark thinks that an issue is debatable if it cannot be answered by yes or no.
6. Jack primarily uses opinions in supporting his arguments.
7. Sara considers all possible views on the issue at hand.
8 Carl uses statistical data in supporting his arguments.
9. Alan says that the issue is a crucial component of a position paper
10 Anton uses emotional appeal in all of his position papers because it is the best
type of appeal.