
Read and analyse each sentence below. Identify the correct answer. Write your answer in an intermediate paper.

1. It is a sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material expelled violently in the air and water surfaces.
2. Type of lava contains rough spiky texture.
3. Composed of solid fragments of materials that have been extruded in a volcanic eruption.
4. Characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with pyroclastic flow and ash fall tephra.
5. Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic.
6. Lava flow that produces a rock with smooth surfaces.
7. A periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava.
8. Small particles that are expelled into the air during volcanic eruption
9. A light- colored volcanic rock that has many bubbles. It is a product of the expansion of gases during eruption.
10. Forms when different partially molten particles have landed on the surface and solidify together. ​