
Write a conclusion about magnetic magic.


Sagot :


Magnetism is a very important and useful force. Without it we wouldn’t have any electric motors, which are used in many devices, such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and vehicle ingnition systems.Without magnetism we wouldn’t have any mass spectrometers, CROs, NMR machine’s, or electron microscopes, which are all vital analytic and measurement devices. We also wouldn’t have cheap and accurate electrical meters.A future working fusion reactor will almost certainly use strong magnetic fields to control and manipulate the extremely high temperature plasma, which it will almost certainly contain.Some magnetic devices have now been superseded by electronic devices, but when it comes to basic navigation, you can’t beat an old fashioned magnetic compass.If the earth did not have a magnetic field, we would all be fried by the solar wind. These highly energetic particles are guided towards the N and S poles by the earth’s magnetic field.There are many astrophysical processes which are due to intense magnetic fields, such as those which affect and control highly energetic processes within the sun. Without these fields, the universe would be a very different place.One model of light is that it is an electromagnetic wave. Without magnetic fields, there would be no light! We would all live in darkness!These are a few of the reasons why magnetism is so important. There are many others, but I really need not go any further. Eg, what about fridge magnets, let alone microwave ovens!
