
✋ need ko na po ng project plan for ssg anyone have ideas?!?​

Sagot :

Action plan of ssg 2014 2015

1. OBJECTIVESACTION/S - EstablishaMaterial RecoveryFacility(MRF) invariouspointswithinthe schoolpremises.5. Reach outthe servicesof the Supreme StudentGovernmentinthe community- Conductof outreachprogramsand projects8. Recognize CNCHS-SSGontheirmissiontohelpthe studentry.- Conductingof sessionsandmeetingstwiceorthrice amonth9. Deliberate andassesall thrustof activitiesof theCNCHS-SSGandDepED-CSCA Student GovernmentProgram(SGP)- AssessmentBriefing10.


i hope it help pa brainly po

di ko malagay lahat kasi madami pakipuntahan po ito

h t t p s : / / w w w .s l i d e s h ar e .n e t/s u p e r m a n i a d  i c/  a c t i o n - p l a n - o f- s s g - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5