2. Which is TRUE about cells? A. Cells are all the same. B. All living organisms have cells. C. No cell is required to sustain life. D. Organisms have cells that function independently.
3. What organelle stores water and waste in both plant and animal cells? A. Lysosomes B. Peroxisomes C. Plastids D. Vacuoles
4. Which of the following describes a cell membrane? A. protein manufacturer C. differentially permeable B. regulator of cell activities D. transport system in the cell
5. What organelle surrounds and regulates the flow of materials in and out in both plant and animal cells? A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall C. Golgi apparatus D. Nuclear membrane
6. Which pair of organelles are found in both plant and animal cells? A. Nucleus and plastids C. Cell membrane and cytoplasm B. Cell wall and cytoplasm D. Cell membrane and chloroplasts
7. What cell organelle has this purpose, “cell’s protein manufacturer”? A. Chloroplasts B. Nucleus C. Ribosomes D. Vacuoles
8. Which organelle is described as the “brain of the cell”? A. Chloroplasts B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Peroxisome
9. What organelle converts certain organic molecules into hydrogen peroxide? A. Chloroplasts B. Nucleus C. Peroxisome D. Ribosomes
10.Which of the following organelle is found in plant cell but NOT in the animal cell? A. Chloroplasts B. Nucleus C. Ribosomes D. Vacuoles
11.What organelle is called the “powerhouse of the cell”? A. Chloroplast B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Ribosome
12.How important is the chloroplast to the plant cell? It _______________________. A. makes proteins. B. provides structural supports. C. converts light energy into sugar. D. regulates the flow of materials in and out of the cell.
13.How important is the lysosome? It ____________________________________. A. provides additional protection from predators B. helps the cells to multiply in an orderly fashion C. increases the digestion of certain macromolecules into H2O2 D. plays a role in the destruction and repair of defective organelles