21. Definition is the main constituent of any dictionary. In developing a paragraph by definition, these things should be taken into account EXCEPT:
A. Activity of sorting words
B. Class to which the term belongs
C. Distinguishing characteristics
D. Term to be defined
22. It groups items into categories to establish a clear distinction between related or similar ideas. Similar items are grouped into categories for the readers to better understand and analyze the material at hand.
A. Classification
B. Definition
C. Description
D. Narration
23. This happens when all of the facts and supporting details about one topic is presented and then all the facts and supporting details about the other topic is given.
A. Contrastive Analysis
B. Comparative Analysis
C. Point-by-point Arrangement
D. Subject-by-subject Arrangement
24. This may contain the thesis statement wherein the problem or topic at hand is presented.
A. Conclusion
B. Introduction
C. Problem Paragraph
D. Solution Paragraph
25. This paragraph will dwell on the elaboration of the problem, effectively conveying the importance of a solution