
Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheets.

1. In this circuit, the bulb is lighted because the electricity is flowing in a complete path.
A. open circuit B. closed circuit C. both A and B D. none
2. In this circuit, the bulb will not light up because of the gap that disturbs the flow of
A. open circuit B. closed circuit C. both A and B D. none
3. Which set of materials will complete an electric circuit?
A. wire, bulb, source, switch C. path, source, wire, switch
B. source, bulb, battery, wire D. wire, load, bulb, switch
4. Which one is likely an open circuit?
A. switch is turned OFF C. both A and B
B. switch is turned ON D. none
5. In a household, which part of electrical circuit usually varies?
A. load B. source/battery C. switch D. wire