Speech Styles:Identity the appropriate speech style to use in the following contexts.
_______1 minister delivers a sermon. _______2 your teacher reads the examination instructions. _______3 You need to ask for additional allowance from your mother. _______4 You present an extemporaneous piece in celebration of the school's founding anniversary. _______5 A new reporter presents showbiz new story. _______6 You catch up with old friends you haven't seen in a long time. _______7 You speak with your professor about how you would improve your grades. _______8 You talk to your girlfriend or boyfriend on the phone before going to sleep. _______9 You ask a stranger if he or she has seen your missing cat. _______10 You ask a close friend to lend you some coins. _______11 You ask employer for a raise. _______12 Your professor borrows a pen from you. _______13 A sibling apologizes for wearing your clothes without permission. _______14 Your school nurse asks how you are feeling. _______15 You ask out your best friend on a date.