Activity 2. Read and understand each question carefully select the enter the correct answer Write your answer on the answer
1. The most well-known prmciple of photographic composition
A Rule of photography C.Rule of Ante B Golden Rule D Rule of this
2.Composition skills, aim is to know your camera well that you can photograph without thinking about it and this comes through familiarity and practice is
A. Look beyond the obvious C Work with geometry B Educate your eye D Learn how to use your comme
3.A picture of building is
A.without borders B. badly printed C. streaked due to exhmusted developer D. with borders
4. The onmora obscura was first discovered in A. 400 BC C. 1800 AD B 1600 AD D. 300 BC
5. Cold cathode iluminations mostly used in
A. 45 enlargers C.8x10 enlargers B. 6x7 engers D. 6xB enlargers