Sagot :
Answer:Personal health issues in the future that may be prevent:
1. Height and Weight
a. Stunted Growth - the lack of height for a child's age as a result of improper nutrition, recurrence of illness and environmental conditions.
b. Underweight - having less body fat than what is optimally healthy.
c. Overweight - having more body fat than what is optimally healthy.
d. Obese - a person weighs much more than the healthy range of his/her age, gender and height.
2. Hearing
a. Impacted Cerumen - earwax builds up in the ear and blocks the ear canal, can cause temporary hearing loss and ear pain.
b. Swimmer's Ear - an infection in the ear canal caused by many types of bacteria and fungi
3. Vision
a. Astigmatism - causes blurred vision, occurs when cornea is irregularly shaped or sometimes of the curvature of the lens inside the eye.
b. Myopia - refractive error, the eye does not bend or refract light properly to a single focus to see images clearly.
4. Skin Hair and Nail
a. Dandruff - a condition of the scalp that cause flakes of skin to appear and often accompanied by itching
b. Ingrown Toenail - occurs when the edges or corners of the toenails grow into the skin next to the nail.
5. Spine Disorders
a. Scoliosis - a sideways curvature of the spine
b. Lordosis - excessive inward curve of the spine
c. Kyphosis - an exaggerated forward rounding of the back
6. Oral/Dental Problems
a. Cavities - a hole that forms in your teeth
b. Halitosis - bad breath
How to prevent?
-Be a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke. If you smoke, get help to quit.
-Be physically active everyday.
-Eat healthy foods.
-Achieve a healthy weight.
-Control your blood pressure.
-Limit your intake of alcohol.
-Reduce your stress.
-Be screened or tested regularly
-Brush your teeth daily